Under the threat of termination, state housing programs provided
The chairmen of the Confederation of Ukrainian Builders made a call for Deputy Prime Minister, Prime Minister, as well as the Minister of Housing and Public Utilities and Regional Development regarding the need to ensure financing a number of housing programs of the state level.
The confederation of builders is primarily an organization, the main calling of which consists in protecting the interests of all participants in the construction market in Ukraine, as well as the provision of active assistance in the development of the entire Ukrainian construction industry, expressed its serious concern about the implementation of a number of state programs in the field housing construction in the period of this year, in the context of a fairly high degree of probability of their complete cessation.
Representatives of the Confederation of Builders stated that each individual housing program will attract additional investments in the domestic construction industry. This can be achieved by attracting funds of the population, the state budget, as well as a certain bank resource. From the foundation to the fencing of the stairs MKI-Art/OGRAZHDENIA -ETNICH-everywhere you need funding. At the same time, the Minister of Finance of Ukraine, Mr. Shlapak, was asked to contribute to the faster financing of these programs by attracting state budget funds, as well as prevent their full reduction, first of all, with regard to the issue of financing, in the context of the alleged adjustments to the state budget of this year.
If the government goes to take these measures, then to a certain extent you can lower the degree and social stress among all those citizens who take part in the implementation of programs. Construction companies will receive a real opportunity to continue construction work in accordance with previously developed schedules.