What is fighting
Drakkar is an unusual, beautiful word. What are your associations? I have – with dragons. These amazing monsters from fairy tales, their powerful necks, bared, full of fangs of the mouth, immediately present. And – yes, the hunch was completely true!
What is fighting
“Fighting” and indeed a piece of the word “dragon”. But “kar” is not a raven scream here. Such a word ancient Scandinavians called their ships. From the dragon (Drage) and the ship (kar) they got to the fighter. In the literal reading of the “Dragon-Corab”.
For the sake of intimidation of opponents, the vikings were decorated with the nasal parts of the ships with their carved dragons heads. But if any floating ship will become Drakkar if you attach such a creepy decoration to it? Imagine, say, an icebreaker with a dragon on the nose. Will he be Drakkar? Even a historian does not need to burst out laughing at the thought of such an eclectic and answer: “Of course, there will be no!””. Or easier – a boat with a wooden bums equip a dragon grin. It’s also not a fighter ..
Drakkar was only a warship, and a rather large. Warships were less than the Vikings were called snacks and decorated with carved snake heads. What should be a warship? First, swift and maneuverable. Secondly, he is obliged to “be able” to slowly sneak up to the enemy. And finally, increased spaciousness is very desirable for such a ship – however, not to the detriment of speed. Then many warriors ready for the fight will fit into Drakkar, and after the battle and the long -awaited, rich, coveted combat booty. All these requirements, in fact, determined the design of the proud, durable and ferocious “dragon ship”.
The Vikings, of course, could swim on their Drackers and “just on business”, but these ships were still “imprisoned” precisely for war. Drakkar was long and narrow to fit as many rowers as possible, if you need to help the sail or the calm. Although, in principle, he moved well and under the influence of just the strength of the wind. At Drakkar, the sides were made low in order to quietly sneak up to the enemy, for the vast invisibility, even lowering the lower sail. A small sediment allowed such a ship to swim freely along the seas and rivers. At that time, these were such “advanced” ships that it was simply amazing. Now, of course, speeds of 5-15 knots are 5-15 sea miles, every 1.852 km equal, per hour-seem low. But after five centuries, the famous caravels Columbus moved more slowly! So the Vikings were the true owners of rivers and seas on their nimble dragon ships. How well the wind caught a simple and effective sail sail sail, how dashing the water water was dashingly, and how impressive a sharp -skinned dragon looked impressive on the nose! It is not surprising that the Vikings have become such popular heroes of various film-sknies-series.
Perhaps almost the only problem that Drakkar created his “riders” was suspicions of the eternal combat mood of the team. Therefore, the Vikings had a whole system of signs of “peace”. Firstly, when they were in friendly waters, the dragon’s head was necessarily removed and temporarily cleaned “for storage”. But even then they might have thought that the Vikings are plotting treacherous meanness, that they go without a dragon, but still – they want to attack. In addition, in a combat campaign, there was a possibility of meeting “your” along the way. For such cases, a signal with shields has developed. When meeting with another ship, the leader (as they would say, captain) Drakkar showed the “sign of the world”, the wrong side of his shield, painted in a far noticeable white color. It is possible that more modern “white flags” came from there.
What is fighting
Up to 60 meters long, the “dragon ship” could carry up to 150 people. An excellent and very effective combat detachment, ready to land on the shore and fly to flight of all whom he will only meet in his path!