Ceramic tile

The production of ceramic tiles has a centuries -old history. The principle of production of ceramic tiles has not changed for long centuries, only now it is supported by modern technologies.

The main material for creating tiles is clay with a small percentage of Mergel and to all this is enriched with other ingredients. From the developed (past cleaning) clay mass, a tile of the shape necessary for us is formed, dried to the industrial method and is fired, at fairly high temperatures. If the product has not yet been painted, then we get a natural tile, the color of which directly depends on the original color of the material and the number of all kinds of iron compounds contained in it.

Before firing tiles, you can cover with a mixture of clay and flaunting elements – in the end you get ceramic tiles of different colors. Professional clining in Kyiv provides the possibility of cleaning and cleaning. Glazing gives the largest color capabilities; After firing the tiles in the furnace is covered with special, transparent or painted glaze, and then fired again – in the end, after this process, glazed (also called glossy) ceramic tiles are formed. The main materials for the manufacture of ceramic tiles are sand, water and cement. A properly mixed, prepared mixture of these components, enriched with different dyes (cement tiles are painted in the mass during production) is subjected to heat treatment in special aluminum forms. In most cases, the tiles are covered with a thin acrylic layer. This increases its strength, and also gives tiles a uniform color.

Tile painting occurs in two small stages, the first layer is superimposed “on macro”, which leads to a stronger binding to the substrate. This technology allows you to get a wider range of all kinds of color solutions for tiles, as well as diversify the surface – from glossy – brilliant in completely matte. Today, ceramic tiles are used mainly for floors, but it is also used to cover the walls of the kitchen, baths and toilets. Most often it can be seen in the toilet and a bath, because it is much easier to clean ceramic tiles than wallpaper (they can’t clean them at all). People are increasingly making repairs in the style of “tiles”, because it is easier to clean (and quite rarely) especially not to bother with care, like with wallpaper (fear of sprinkling with cream or something else poorly laundering). Thanks for reading the article. Use the search to find the necessary information for you.

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