Ceramic tile
Think where we just do not use ceramic tiles? Yes, everywhere! On the floor in the bathroom, on the walls and even on the ceiling. Yes, the tile is quite expensive, but the life of the tile is much more than that of other building materials. The design of the tiles is currently so great that just imagine how your bath or bathroom will look like. Also, the tile does not need such a strict supervision, it is easily washed, with ordinary water with a drop of a cleaning agent.
You can rent apartments for rent in Kharkov by visiting the VLASNE website.
When choosing a color scheme or a pattern of tiles, think in which room you will use it. If for the bedroom, it is better to take the tiles of “calm” shades, for example, brown or purple. For a bathroom, blue or blue shades is more suitable. For the hall – red, yellow or under a tree.
The disadvantage of the tile is that it is “cold”. To eliminate this minus, you will need to install the floor heating system. This system is installed under the floor, using plastic pipes, along which hot air is warm.
When choosing a tile, inspect it very well, so that there are no scratches, the edges should be whole, and not pierced. The tile should have a smooth and even surface. It will also be necessary to buy tile glue and grout for seams.