
Що таке ініціативний аудит: його особливості та правила проведення

Правильність ведення бухобліку та фінансової звітності має принципово важливе для діяльності компанії. Для формування об’єктивної оцінки потрібне проведення незалежного аудиту…

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Как цитируемость статей в Web of Science влияет на авторов

Web of Science – это одна из самых авторитетных источников научной информации, включающая более 20 000 журналов, конференций и диссертаций.…

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Where to look for DJ mixes: useful tips for choosing a portal

On the Internet, you can find a lot of useful information, including entertainment data. The last option often concerns the…

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Wall painting – easy and simple

If the repair is in full swing and the turn has already come up to paint the walls, then it…

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Laminate substrate

Laminate substrate The laminate substrate contributes to the long service of the floor: softens deformation at loads, protects from moisture,…

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Preparation of the bathroom for laying tiles

First of all, it is worth checking the surface of the walls. They must be perfectly perpendicular to each other,…

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Prepare the basement for the winter period

The construction of almost any modern building should begin with high -quality waterproofing of the basements, because the appearance of…

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Why construction needs construction forests and construction formwork?

The use of horizontal or vertical shapes, taking the boundaries of the constructed structure as in a corset. Construction formwork…

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Why plastic windows are pernicious for health?

The first window structures made of metal -plastic appeared on the market about half a century ago. Then they were…

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Why do men do not get divorced before changing

Women think differently than men. They believe that if their husband went to treason means, something does not suit him…

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