What is sling, types of slings
Ten years ago, with the advent of a child in the family, the life of a woman changed dramatically. Now she had to adjust her life under the graphics of sleep and feeding a newborn baby. This limited the freedom of the woman and led to postpartum depression. Now a young mother can lead her former life, as before childbirth – go for walks to her favorite places (and not only in those parks and squares that are near the house and where you can go with a stroller), attend exhibitions and various events, meet with friends And even travel. In the life of a woman, more freedom appeared without any damage to the baby, who in the first months of her life acorrates in the immediate vicinity of his mother. Irreplaceable assistants for mothers of any age and complexion are sling.
What is sling, types of slings
So what is sling? This is a section of specially selected fabric, sewn in a certain way, which is used to carry a child from the beginning from an early age.
There are several types of such fabric carrying
sling on the rings;
sling-karmans (are extremely rare and mainly sewn to order).
Sling on rings – simple and convenient to use, is perfect for those who have no experience in slinging. It is a wide piece of fabric, special rings are attached from one end (2 pcs.). The second free edge of the sling (the so -called “tail”) is spreading into these rings using a special technology and thus fixed so that the sling does not start out. Tie this sling is very simple and easy to wear. The baby in it occupies a position anatomically correct for its spine and therefore sling on the rings can be used from the very birth of crumbs. The only drawback of such a sling can be considered that when the child is growing up and begins to actively gain weight, wearing it in such a sling becomes difficult (and simply physically hard).
What is sling, types of slings
Slings-spaces are more universal, but more complex in winding than sling on the rings. An inexperienced mother can not always learn to correctly and quickly tie such sling that it scares away many women from the purchase. In order to defeat your fear of a scarf, you can practice slightly in winding under the leadership of the Sling -consultant or ask for help a more experienced girlfriend in the slingishness! You can wear a child in a Sharf sling from birth to 1-2 years old, the baby’s weight in it can be distributed on one or both shoulders of a young mother (depending on the type of winding), which is why he is such a universal. From birth to 4-6 months, the baby occupies a horizontal position in the sling, and starting from 6 months, the baby can be baked vertically. In general, there are a lot of variations and hits of sling-shawl, the main thing is not to be afraid of the first difficulties and to master the winding rules!
What is sling, types of slings
Ma-slings in appearance are very similar to the backpacks of a damn thing, they have a rectangular back and long harnesses in the corners (but unlike backpacks do not have special fastxes and latches). You can wear a baby in such a carry, starting from 4-6 months, when he learns to hold the back and the vertical position will not create a load on the spine of the crumbs. In such a product, a mother can wear a baby in front of herself or on her back (a sling-sharm also provides such an opportunity).
When buying a carrier, take into account the size of the sling so that it is not short or vice versa, so that its free ends do not hang and do not get dirty on the ground. The size of the product directly depends on the growth and complexion of the mother.
The fabric from which the sling is important is important. They are linen (so that the fabric loses its rigidity, it needs to be “spread” or washed with air conditioning), knitted (take into account that, they can stretch!), woolen (very warm, although not clean wool is used for sewing slings), jeans, etc.P. Slings-spaces are often sewn from satin, calico, and even silk!