Decor STIN KIMNATI with his own hands

Important is the role of a focusing izhr іnter’ru that abstract of the grace. Ale Jacia B Garneoy is not a boulem that accessories, thorce. At the Tsoma, Zdavati, Sho Inter’hr NOT BUSINESS. Ale is able to bring the design of the produced “to the rosum”, going down to the quiet -sophisticated decorangne ​​senwas, dissimilar in the deposit of.

Decorvannya sting in kitchen

Schob to re -cross the kitchen, let ї їnter’ru Vishukanosti, can go up to one popular designer move – to the decorvannya sting. Isnuu Kilka tens of wars, the yak Origіnally able to arrange STOI STINE in Kitini. Long -looking Nybilsh relevant.

1) masonry of a decorative stone. In the danas of the decorative stone, the vicasa is possible for the part of the stion, to the butt, the bail of the doors, the near Obidno zone of the zone of the gotuvannya, the vicosa kut of the Primeshennya. Dania Variant Decorovanny allowed to add to the izhter Trokhi.

2) The tiles are decorative, it is permitted by Zibrati RIZNIYA, Mabut, є one of the UNIVITY VARIANTIV embellos. In the ZaLEZHTI VID Rosemir Zbranii composition, to arrange such a rank can be Yak Tsil Stin, so I. The area of ​​the kitchen.

3) Original masonry of the molestime tiles, an analogue of the mosa, the tiles of the tiles of the tiles are over -the -rosemic, shapes, I compositions of them vitae “alive”.

4) the insertion of the gluing of the panels is to the way to be optimal warender with the barren -out izhnter izhru. So Panelly presented in a wide vibource panorama, characterized. Glorovati is possible yak tilki in the zone of the kitchen apron, so I around the perimeter of the vanity of the cuisine 50-60 cm of the lower middle of the ears.

Judge Varianty Decorovannia Stin in the kitchen for the pre-native of great pebbles, passing into the plaster і Farbuhtuh in the COLORIV PISLAL VISHANNYA, the plaster, mosan, morchant masonry is popular decorative.

Decorvannya STIN in sleeping

Under the vocabulary method of decorvannya, the Snot in the bedroom is not chuly to the same way. Persher, vicoristovani Matteriyali guilly vidpovіdati all. So, the pass is able to viddati to wood, textile trellises, probzi, I will prick the Tsich Matereal (Shpaleri I traffic jam). In a friend, Yakshcho, when registered, vicoristovy is the ornamenty of the abyt, then the stench is guilty of Mati Plavni, the harmonious linії, not the reckoning of eyes.

1) Decorovanna STIN in the bedroom for the pre -nuclear of the special nines. STIKER is Vizerunok, composition, Virizan on Vinіlilovi Plivtsi. The vartia of such stimkerv Velmi is available, and they are browned with a dust, with the same, the stench of the Great RIZNOMANITTI POSISIY I COMPOSE.

2) Belsh of Kapithtile Variant – structures z gyscarton. Vaughn, yak rule, in Uzgoliv ’Lіka. The inside of the part of such constructions is to be in vіdmіnniy VID Supercompensi Kolir, for Originalnasti, you can do it to the PIDSVIT. For Rather Stein Z GIPSOKarton, I can dispute NISHI, Takozh Zhdsvychuvannyam, with a submission by the installation on them on them RIZNIKH Axesuars.

3) Tsekavo to issue a stir can I wikoristannami Shpaler: Combinwall of the plain -toned ib tre -ornament, Shpaler Koloriv cucumber I T.D.

4) The decorivannia of the stony in the bedroom fabrics zy is the style of the ziconnyam, if you were an ilii composition. Mabut, one of the nyibilsh Original, I eccentric wars, if the tank zakonnnya is applied on the woven canvas, yake pіdkresluyu style I atmosphere bedrooms.

Bilsh Ekzotichnі Warranti: Decorivannia Shkіroy, mowaki -baked panels, stone.

Srednus Variantiv is able to Vidimiti Naval, Nybilsh Actual I Privablivі:

Decor STIN KIMNATI with his own hands

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