We make an arch in the wall
To date, it becomes fashionable to make arches in the walls and doorways. Some do not want to waste time creating such an arch, so they seek help from specialists. The cost of creating an arch will depend on its size. But, if you want to save money, then you can make an arch yourself, the main thing is to know what actions you need to do. And here /Dizajn-Tilej-I-Gostinic often began to order an inexpensive design for hotels and hotels.
The first thing you need is to create visible parts of the arch. To do this, you will need to cut blanks from such a material as drywall. Cut drywall sheets using a stationery knife. As soon as the blanks are ready, you can start creating an arch.
To do this, in the doorway builds a frame from a metal profile. As soon as the frame is ready, go should be sheathed with the workpieces made. For fastening drywall sheets, a screwdriver and screws should be used. They should be twisted in such a way that the head is drowned with drywall.
After the main frequency of the arch is ready, you only have to make the bottom of the arch. To do this, it will be necessary to in advance a segment of drywall, after which it is mounted on the bottom of the arch. The final stage in the creation of the arch is its putty, and in the future you can use any finishing material.